American industry, the engine of the world’s greatest economy, is fueled by technological innovation and investment in capital equipment. And today America is in the midst of major national commitments to improving its infrastructure and adapting to an era of climate change. Our precision parts are integral to critical equipment and systems in many related applications, including, for example:

• Electrical power generation and distribution
• Oil and gas extraction
• Alternative energy solutions
• Chemical processing
• Factory automation and control
• Product visioning, inspection, and contamination detection systems
• Construction equipment
• Leading-edge transport systems
• Airport systems
• Municipal water and wastewater treatment.

Our parts often endure severe operating environments and meet very stringent tolerance requirements. Our goal is zero defects, zero failures. Frequently our plastic parts replace metal components. Why plastic? It won’t rust or corrode, it can be as tough as or tougher than metal, and it can be much lighter than metal.

We provide substantial design assistance to help you select the right material and manufacturing process for your application. We are with you every step of the way from product conception forward.

Powerline Wildlife Outage Protector

Industrial Toxic Gas Detector

Powerline Cable Spacer

Power Plant Condenser Tube Cleaning Gun

Factory Automation Programmable Controller